All varieties of EDM, from Deep House to Disco to Dubstep, for the New York EDM scene and beyond.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Porter Robinson Edits

I remember making a post way back when this blog started last year around this time about how everyone should see Porter Robinson and how he should be a household name.  Here we are a year or more later and he has been headlining festivals again and again.  Very happy to see how much of a success he has become and with all that success comes lots of fans.  And with lots of fans comes fan giveaways which he has so kindly provided to all of us today.  Below is a link to some of his exclusive edits/bootlegs that he has decided to give away for free to everyone today along with an extra goodie from his good friend Madeon (the radio rip not the teaser).  And I just gotta say, I love the new direction Madeon went in for this song, the kid can do absolutely no wrong.

Porter Tracklist:
- The Seconds, The Champ, Vandalism, Arguru (Porter Matchup) by Porter Robinson, Deadmau5, Wolfgang Gartner
- Spitfire (Porter's Electro Vip/Far Too Loud - Start the Party) by Porter Robinson
- Bass Cannon (Porter Robinson's 2 Minute Electro Bootie) by Flux Pavilion
- Some Chords, Hard Intro Ghosts, Machine Gun (Porter Matchup) by Deadmau5, Noisia

Porter Robinson Edits/Bootlegs

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